Saturday, November 24, 2012


Dr. Thomas O'Connor - In discussing whether nutrition or inattention contributed to the psychiatric conditions of the Romanian orphans, he felt "it may well be the psychological features of the institutional environment that are more important." Nurturing them, he felt, was more important that what the children ate! 

Jonathan Kozol - "Segregated schooling has never been equal to the schooling that's given to the mainstream of this nation, and it's sheer folly to pretend that they will suddenly become equal in the century ahead. It ain't gonna happen."

Louise (Passion for early childhood) - "Adults finding their voice as a result of doing this work. It's like they reclaim and heal things that happen to them in their childhood....maybe no one had helped them work with from when they were younger."

Raymond (Passion for Early Childhood) - "My passion comes from wanting to make a difference."


  1. I like the quote by Dr. Thomas O'Conner that you included here. I totally agree that one of the most important things children need is love. I have students come into my class and before I even get a chance to greet them they have their arms wrapped around my leg or if I'm sitting, around my neck. Children crave attention and affection, it is so important for their growth and social development.

  2. Hi, You have posted some very though provoking quotes. I agree that often our own experiences have a huge impact on how we act and react to our present situations. It is a positive if we can help those around us and improve upon ourselves at the same time. I think its important for us to try to be aware of and also accepting of issues in our past that have made us who we are and given us perhaps a good deal of the passion we feel about the field of early childhood.

    I also agree with the comment about the inattention being the larger or more important contributing factor to the state of the orphans. It is a large part of our nature to be social and reach out for human contact. Food nourishes the body, but emotion and socialization feeds our soul and helps us to thrive. I remember when in the hospital to give birth to my first son, there was a baby that was diagnosed as "failure to thrive". His physical needs were met, but was not enough to help him grow and flourish. How sad that something so simple as contact and touch which has no monetary cost and requires very little physical effort can be withheld sometimes so easily and from so many. Once again, wonderful quotes. Cindy

  3. I agree the most with Thomas O'Connor quote. He believed that it is important to provide the children with nurture than just worrying about what the children eat. It is essential to provide children with love, support, and care. It is beneficial to provide a nurturing environment for the children to learn and explore while their caregiver show them the love they need to support positive interaction. Nevertheless, it is also vital to watch young children food intake to make sure they are eating healthy.
